Anna & Levi | Anniversary Session in Anchorage, Alaska
Every once in a while I have the opportunity to photograph something that moves me in a particular way and fills my heart with gratitude. These moments are the reason I chase people around with a camera in the first place. It's about capturing that breath before the plunge into the next chapter of life. Freezing it in time so that when memories fade, we have these images to bring them back again.
This in particular is one of those rare sessions that makes me weep.
Not because I think the images are particularly great or fascinating, but because my heart and soul have been poured in this work, because these two might as well be family, and because soon they will be leaving us for Virginia (and beyond).
Anna and Levi are at the top of our very short list of people we would trust to parent our children. I think that tells you more about them than most other words could. They are generous and kind, honest and instant friends to every single soul they meet. They feed everyone and love everyone without reservation or hesitation. They are steadfast in their faith and while they are totally unique, they compliment each other in a tremendously beautiful way.
While I certainly hope these images are a blessing to them as they move on to the next chapter of there lives, I can say that they have blessed me as well. This is the work I want to create.
Emotional, heartfelt, and full of joy - just like them.